relieve physical pain or incapacity, or.relieve or end unbearable thoughts or feelings,.escape what they feel is an impossible situation,.There are lots of reasons why someone might think about ending their life. Why might someone think about ending their life? People are more likely to take their own life if they have access to the means to do so. The more risk factors a person has, the more likely they’ll have suicidal thoughts. Having a physical health condition, especially if this causes chronic pain or serious disability.Anger at other people, often due to perceived or real mistreatment.Feeling isolated or not having social support.

Stressful life events like a relationship ending or losing your job.Difficult life events, such as experiencing a traumatic childhood or physical or emotional abuse.If someone is exposed to a ‘risk factor’, they’re more likely to have them. There are different reasons why people have suicidal thoughts. About Why do some people have suicidal thoughts?